Not All Vitamin B12 is Equal

If you are one of those who gets tired by the afternoon and just wants to take a nap — Vitamin B12 may help.

Vitamin B12 can help improve energy, mood and sleep.Vitamin B12 is needed to form red blood cells and DNA. Its role is to aid in the function and development of brain and nerve cells. Vitamin B12 binds to the protein in the foods you eat coming from sources that are mostly animal products. Therefore, your diet may leave you deficient in Vitamin B12 especially if you are vegan or vegetarian. 

Vitamin B12 is an essential nutrient your body needs in order to function properly, however, B12 is not something your body can make on its own but there is also no shortage of supplements to choose from. 

At Wasatch Back Beauty, we use Vitamin B12 methylcobalamin. The reason being methylcobalamin is a naturally occurring form of Vitamin B12 (also known as cobalamin). Because it is an active form of the vitamin, the body absorbs it more readily.

As you age, it can become harder to absorb Vitamin B12. Slow absorption may also be a side effect if you have had weight loss surgery or another operation removing part of your stomach. Drinking heavily and certain diseases such as Crohn’s or celiac disease can also contribute to B12 deficiency. 

If you are experiencing fatigue, headaches, gastrointestinal issues, brain fog, pins and needles sensation in your hands and feet (known as Paresthesia), depression, and yellow or pale skin you may not have a healthy reserve of B12 in your body. Vision disturbances may also be a sign of deficiency. Treating a B12 deficiency is easy and effective with B12 injections.

B12 injections are safe, fast, painless, and provide a myriad of benefits helping you accomplish more each day. You can feel more energized, think more clearly and get through those afternoon slumps.

Book an appointment for a Vitamin B12 shot today!


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