Enjoy a Hair-free Summer

Winter is finally over and summer is just around the corner. Time for those legs to make an appearance! If you are tired of shaving, and can’t stand to grow your leg hair out for waxing, you may want to consider laser hair removal.

Laser hair removal is the most effective treatment for unwanted hair. It works by using a beam that passes through the skin to reach the hair follicles, and penetrating energy heats the roots of the hair, preventing future hair. Laser hair removal is the best way to permanently remove hair and the least harmful to your skin. Many people consider laser hair removal because:

  • They have unwanted hair

  • They want smooth, touchable skin

  • They hate to shave, wax, or use depilatories

  • They want to save time and money

  • They want something safe and effective

No matter what your reasons are, laser hair removal is a good fit for most skin types. 

With laser hair removal, you come in with freshly shaved skin (no need to grow it out). Lasering is often described as the feeling of a rubber band being snapped on skin. At Wasatch Back Beauty Lab, most patients report little to no pain, due to the 3PC Cooling (triple contact cooling technology) in our laser that provides the ultimate in patient comfort.

Following treatments, there may be some red bumps for a few hours. You should avoid heat for a few days to ensure the area heals. Then, feel free to enjoy the summer months—just make sure you lather up the sunscreen to protect your skin. 

Laser hair removal usually requires 6-8 treatments for areas to be hair-free. Treatments can be 20 minutes or longer for larger areas. Laser hair removal is safe to use on most any body part including legs, armpits, face and bikini areas.

So, if you are tired of unwanted hair and want to get rid of it for good, book some laser treatments with Wasatch Back Beauty. You’ll love the results.


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