Effective Treatment for Damaged Skin

By now, most people know lasers can be used for hair removal but lasers are now being used for much more. Lasers are now being used for cosmetic skin treatments that may help reduce the signs of aging, remove unwanted hair, lighten darker patches of skin, and improve the appearance of scars and spider veins.

Laser treatments are a great alternative to surgery and can help to improve skin’s texture, tightness, and pigmentation. 

IPL, or intense pulsed light therapy, is a quick effective way to treat damaged skin. IPL works in a similar way to laser therapy. The difference is that where laser therapy delivers a single wavelength of light energy, IPL delivers multiple wavelengths. This means that IPL can treat a larger area of skin in a shorter time making it more effective.

IPL for a More Even Skin Tone

As we age, our skin loses its ability to recover from sun damage causing sun spots or too many freckles creating uneven skin. IPL, improves the skin's texture. IPL treatments can result in clearer skin with a more even tone. IPL treats a range of skin pigment and blood vessel issues on the skin.

During an IPL treatment, the light pulses through the skin to target cells producing too much melanin (melanin is a type of chemical that controls the pigment of your skin). The light pulses turn to heat, which then disrupts the melanin-producing cells bringing them to the surface of the skin.

There are several other uses for IPL treatments, making it one of the most versatile aesthetic skin care treatments. With the skin being the largest organ on the body, it can sustain a lot of small noticeable physical damage over time. Here are a few things IPL can help with:

Acne and Scar Treatment

IPL facial treatments can treat active acne by stimulating the skin’s regenerative properties and allowing more oxygen into deeper layers. For those who have had acne problems in the past, IPL is perfect for treating acne scars. This skin rejuvenation treatment can also lessen the appearance of other types of scars.

Facial Spider Vein Removal

With the scattering of light through the skin, IPL can also treat surface-level spider veins. With the proper light frequency, the heat from the light waves can break down the small diseased blood vessels that cause vascular damage to appear around your face.

Lumecca™ IPL for Noticeable Results

At Wasatch Back Beauty Lab, we use Lumecca™ IPL. Lumecca is the most powerful IPL used to treat pigmented and vascular lesions. After just one use, patients notice significant improvements in the complexion and clarity of the skin.

 We like Lumecca because it’s quick and effective. In just 1-3 sessions Lumecca is known to improve the appearance of:

  • Age spots (red/brown pigmentations)

  • Vascular lesions such as facial telangiectasias (spider veins) and poikiloderma

  • Rosacea (redness)

  • Freckles

  • Sun damage

  • Cherry angiomas

Lumecca can be used on all areas of the body. The most common areas of treatment are zones that are regularly exposed to the sun. This often includes the face, neck, decolletage, legs, hands, and arms.

There’s only one week left to take advantage of Wasatch Back Beauty’s March Promo–book a laser package and get 20 free units (a $260 value)! Lumecca is just one of three types of laser services from Wasatch Back Beauty. 


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